So much of what contributes to people’s lack of focus is an anxious brain and that’s not necessary a bad thing!
One symptom of anxiety that often goes overlooked is difficulty concentrating or focusing. And I’m not talking about anxiety “disorders.” I’m talking about the normal anxiety that we all feel: the stress of asking someone on a date, the nerves when watching a close game in the 4th quarter, walking into a performance review at work. All of these situations result in anxiety. And most people can identify those symptoms: heart racing, sweaty palms, worry, nervousness, racing thoughts, etc. Interesting almost no one is aware that problems focusing is a core symptom of anxiety. But why is it?
Racing Thoughts = Difficulty Focusing
It really it that simple. The more your brain is thinking about a feared outcome, (what if he/she doesn’t say yes, what if my team doesn’t win, what if my boss gives me a bad review) the less it can be mindful and focus on the present challenge at hand. It’s really hard to stay focused if your thoughts are racing a million miles into the future.
Can I Get Better?
Of course! The first step is realizing what is going on. If you can recognize that anxiety is pushing the focus train off the tracks, then good, now you know what to work on. If this isn’t happening too often, or if you are just trying to improve your already good performance, then practicing mindfulness or doing some brain training to help get the train back on the tracks can be helpful.
But, if this is significantly impairing your ability to perform at work, on the field, at home, etc., then it may be beneficial to consult with a psychologist specializing in treating anxiety. I also recommend The Confidence Gap, by Russ Harris, to a lot of my clients. It’s full of great exercises and is an easy read.
So, remember, while anxiety is normal, it can still mess with your focus and create internal distractions. If you want to reach your peak performance, acknowledging anxiety while working on your ability to remain focused may just give you boost you’re looking for!
Dr. Doug Polster