We all have routines weather it’s positive or negative, humans are known to be creatures of habit. Routines are great because it makes discipline more accessible. It does this by striping down your decision making to a much simpler series of habits and choices. Routine is a schedule that you add value to by giving it priority and effort. Instead of having to be very well disciplined in many of areas, with a routine, all you need to do is focus on is being disciplined in establishing the habits. You do this by making the choices that build them and executing those decision day after day.
Lately, I’ve gotten into the habit of checking my phone every morning and not getting up until the last possible minute. I notice this disrupts my mood for the day because now I’m rushing to get ready, and it causes me so much unnecessary stress and I question “Why do I do this to myself 😂”. The answer is, I’ve repeated this task every morning and now it’s become a negative habit. Starting today, I am determined to break this habit by eliminating that choice for me in the morning. I won’t have the choice to stay in bed and check my phone if the phone isn’t in the same room.
Today, I challenge you to create a positive morning and evening routine for yourself and stick with it for the next month!