Our bodies are meant to move. Finding time to do a full hour workout on a daily basis with a busy schedule can be tough. Even though you aren't doing an hour of working out, are you at least getting up and moving enough during your day? It is important to make sure that we are still getting a good amount of activity in. Moving 30 minutes a day is one of the best things for ourselves - it improves our sleep, physical, and mental health. That's exactly what this post is about, I hope this inspires you to add in a little more movement into your daily routine.
Schedule walks into your routine, like after a meal.
Walking to a place to a place to eat or a brisk walk 20 minutes or so, gives your mind a little refresh.
Take the stairs.
I know this is always mentioned, but it shouldn't be skipped. Its heart pounder for sure. So, if your office has stairs or apartment building. Take the stairs.
Get up and stretch.
How often do you get up from your desk? If you don't, I suggest you do. Instead powering through your breaks. Try to do some 5 minute stretches each break.
Drink water.
Get yourself a reusable water bottle making sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. One your water bottle empty, get up and refill it. This will help get your moving getting refills and bathroom breaks.
Find workouts that you look forward to.
I like to look up easy 15 minute workouts on YouTube while I sip my coffee, find it and save it. I look forward trying a new workout that I can fit in my daily routine.
Stand during phone calls.
If your on a business call or on the phone friends or family. Use this time to walk around, just don't lose your breath.
Schedule a workout.
Completing a 15 or 30 minutes elevates your mood, metabolism, and helps your body feel better. You don't need to go to the gym, an at home workout can do. Look up exercises you want to do and do them for a 1 minute per exercise.
Reduce the couch time.
Plan something new into your day like going to the driving range, getting a coffee at the mall and walk around, taking your kids to the park and walk around. Do something besides sitting on the couch after work.
Incorporate movement into your morning routine.
One of the best ways to start off a great day is with a morning routine that sets you for success. Get moving from the moment your feet touches the floor by incorporating movement into your morning routine: walking around the block (take your coffee with you), if you have a treadmill use it, or a 7 minute warm-up workout.