Wherever you are in your quest to live a healthy life, you can always aspire to new goals. You may want to up your workout routine. Or lose weight. Or get a full 8 hours of sleep. Wouldn't it be great to share your goals with someone trained to support and encourage you on your journey?
That's exactly what the Well-Being Coaching program of Active&Fit Direct provides - at no extra cost to you. Just take a a few minutes to sign up and you're on your way to living your best life.
You and your Well-Being Coach will make a personalized health plan that will help take you to where you want to be with your overall health and wellness goals. Having a mentor and guide will help you tackle difficult challenges. Maybe you are happy with your basic fitness plan, but you want to bring your weight down. Maybe you know you want to eat more veggies, but you really favor pasta and cheese. And maybe you used to sleep like a baby. But now you wake up in the night and can't go back to sleep. Your coach is ready to help!
How you and your coach work together on your fitness and health.
One welcome aspect of Well-Being Coaching is that instead of telling you what to do, your coach will ask you what you want to achieve. By using open-ended questions, coaches avoid the "should" and "you need to" approach. Your coach will look for what may work better for you going forward. Also, your coach will assess your strengths and how these can be applied to move you toward a higher level of fitness and health.
Emily Adams, a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Active&Fit's Program Manager of Coach Performance, sums up how the coaching program can help. "I find coaching to be so rewarding because we get to walk alongside people as they grow, learn, discover, and use their strengths to be the healthiest versions of themselves." She says that coaches “get to hold up mirrors for people to show them how extraordinary they already are.” “We help them see where they want to be in their health. We support them in using their unique strengths and skills to make that vision a reality.”
Coaching addresses many areas of health
Think about common lifestyle health categories and what you want to focus on in the future:
Adams points out that it’s likely you have questions or concerns about at least one aspect of your health. “Often one area of health is connected to another and improvement in one can improve the other. Coaches take a whole person approach to well-being.” And whatever affects your well-being is a topic for discussion with your coach.
After determining your needs for your health, your coach will serve as a guide and motivator. You are in charge of the program, with your coach steady at your side.
Examples of coaching success
The proof of how effective the program can be is in the results. Adams says she can cite many stories of members who have reached difficult goals with the help of coaching. These include:
Members who go from no physical activity to keeping up consistent exercise 5 days a week or more. And they now have the energy to keep up with their kids and grandkids.
Folks who have high levels of stress who learn stress management tools. These improve their well-being and allow them to be more productive. They report they enjoy life more.
Those who learn how their thoughts impact their behaviors. They use simple tools to check and reframe their thoughts. Their outlook on life is more positive.
Working with your health care team
It’s important to note that coaches see your doctors as a vital part of your wellness team. Coaches do not replace the need for trained health care professionals. You will be asked to talk with your doctor about any issues of physical or mental health that concern you.
The goal of Well-Being Coaching
When asked about the goal of Well-Being Coaching, Adams responded: “The goal is to help the person feel comfortable and confident in keeping up their new habits on their own at some point. There is no set timeframe. The time it takes for this to happen is different from person to person.” Adams stresses that, “rather than supporting members in reaching every single health goal they have, the aim is to work on learning the process of how to change behavior. The coach will help you build the tools you need for making and keeping up health improvements.” How you can be a part of the Well-Being Coaching program As a member of the Active&Fit Direct™ program, one-on-one coaching is a feature of your program and comes at no extra cost to you. Enroll in the Active&Fit Direct program through your company website link. Log in to your Active&Fit Direct account and call the phone number at the bottom of your Dashboard to enroll. Simply sign up and get started enriching your life with this program benefit.

Cleveland Clinic. (2021, August 8). Health coaches – What they can do and how they can help. https://health. clevelandclinic.org/what-is-a-health-coach/ Harvard Health Publishing. (2020, April 8). Health coaching is effective. Should you try it? https://www.health. harvard.edu/blog/health-coaching-is-effective-should-you-try-it-2020040819444 Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). The benefits of health and wellness coaching. https://www.mayoclinic.org/vid-20522993